Travel, 7 April 2023
Sommer highlight in Berlin
The Potsdamer Schlössernacht celebrates the German-Dutch friendship on 18 & 19 August 2023 at Schloss Sanssouci. Prachtig!
Advance booking has started!
Illuminated castle ©Michael-Clemens
The next Potsdamer Schlössernachtt will transform the UNESCO World Heritage Site on the world-famous grounds of Sanssouci Palace into a stage full of music, acrobatics, readings and installations for the 24th time on 18 and 19 August 2023.
Potsdam's cultural partner is Holland
and so the motto "oranje", "Holland in Potsdam", is celebrated. So the motto of the evening changes from "gorgeous" to "PRACHTIG!" Potsdam sees orange! The historic palaces lend their walls to fantastic light installations and provide a canvas that one could hardly wish for more artistic and extensive. Amidst the romantic summer parkland, guests can stroll from one artistic highlight to the next.
Tickets for Potsdamer Schlössernacht 2023 are available at and
Potsdam Palaces Night 2023 Splendid! Sanssouci
18 and 19 August 2023 Start: 5:00 p.m.
Because of the location and the beautiful view,
Frederick the Great decided to build a pleasure palace on the "Desert Mountain" near Potsdam. The name "Sanssouci" means "without care" and the summer residence was intended primarily to serve the king's private interests. Here he wanted to devote himself to philosophy, music and literature. Under the direction of Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, a single-storey palace was built from 1745-1747 in the style of the French "maison de plaisance". The library and the concert room are highlights of Rococo spatial art.
Illuminated castle with Divas ©Michael-Clemens
ALETHEA recommends
Kylie Minogue at Benchmark stand on ProWein 2023, Düsseldorf ©MHoch
Kylie Minogue at Prowein 2023. One of the many sensations at ProWein, the world's biggest wine fair, which ended yesterday, was the appearance of Kylie Minogue presenting her wine line. Read about Kylie's wine adventure in her own words.
Mon - Fri: 10 - 19 h
Phone/Tel: 0049 173 280 1001
Stiftsplatz 11, 40213 Düsseldorf - Rheinpromenade - Germany
c/o ©Atelier Signoria GmbH (2021) - HRB 76981 - USt-Id.Nr: DE 306304533