Lifestyle Calendar, October 22, 2022
WeinHamburgHerbst 2022
The new wines of the 2021 vintage will be presented, with the focus on red Burgundy varieties for the roast season.
WeinHamburgHerbst fair ©WeinHamburgHerbst
Düsseldorf, October 20, 2022: At WeinHamburgHerbst, which will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 12 noon to 7 p.m. and on Sunday, October 23, 2022, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Hamburg Messe, Hall B1, visitors will be able to see for themselves the know-how of the winemakers and the quality of the wines harvested last year. The new wines of the 2021 vintage will be presented, with the focus on red Burgundy varieties for the roast season.
Vincenz Weber, wine expert and organizer of WeinHamburgHerbst, recommends, "Don't just enjoy your wine with food, but mix the different types of wine into your food and use it to season the different dishes. You'll be delighted with the intensity of flavor and aromas!"
About 900 wines can be tasted on site at WeinHamburgHerbst. Each guest will receive his or her personal tasting glass at the entrance. In addition, visitors can look forward to an open tasting with the presentation of regionally typical wines from German and international growing regions.All participants are independent winemakers, with a third of the exhibitors being exclusively organic and biologically producing winegrowers.
In addition to wine, there will be an offer of tips and information on travel and accommodation in interesting wine-growing regions.
Event details:
Saturday, Oct. 22, 12 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday, October 23, 12 - 6 p.m.
Exhibition Hall B1, Karolinenstr 45, 20357 Hamburg, Germany
Tickets in VVK online 18 EURO incl. catalog and tasting, at the box office 20 EURO.
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Mon - Fri: 10 - 19 h
Phone/Tel: 0049 173 280 1001
Stiftsplatz 11, 40213 Düsseldorf - Rheinpromenade - Germany
c/o ©Atelier Signoria GmbH (2021) - HRB 76981 - USt-Id.Nr: DE 306304533