Dusseldorf, 25 August 2023
Prize draw of 4 double tickets to the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games 2023 in Düsseldorf.
The big winning question:
Which new sport discipline will debut at the 2023 Invictus Games in Düsseldorf?
©Kenny Beele
Düsseldorf, 25 August 2023: Prize draw of 4 double tickets for the Invictus Games Opening Ceremony: Since the royal visit of Prince Harry and his Duchess Meghan, we had to wait a year until the time has finally come. The Invictus Games 2023 will begin on 6 September with the Warrior Care Conference and on 9 September the Opening Ceremony will take place at the Merkur Spiel Arena. The musical star guest of the evening will be rap superstar Macklemore. TV presenter duo Hadnet Tesfai and Steven Gätjen will lead through the evening. In the opening show, he will perform his new songs as well as his number one hits such as "Can't Hold Us" and "Thrift Shop". An extremely emotional moment in the arena will certainly be the "March of Nations". In addition to Macklemore, a dance show will also thrill the audience. The opening will also be attended by well-known personalities from politics and society.
1 year ago. Prince Harry in the Jan Wellem Hall in Düsseldorf City Hall with Lord Mayor Dr Keller and Duchess Meghan ©IG23
Overcoming the personal boundaries and barriers of society.
The Bundeswehr have come up with a completely new idea for the 2023 Games. The focus is not on gold, silver and bronze, but on overcoming the personal limits and barriers of society. Therefore, there will be no nation ranking as in other sports competitions.
These are people whose fates often remain hidden and who are now fighting a battle back to life.
Another innovation is the "unconquered teams". Not every nation could form a team and that is why there are transnational teams. Düsseldorf wants to give a stage to the athletes who have made sacrifices in the service of the community. These are people whose fates often remain hidden and who are now fighting a battle back to life. According to the organisers, sport is not meant to replace a medicine, but to give people confidence in their new selves. That is why the Düsseldorf Games were named "A Home for Respect". Truly a fitting title.
A reunion
And there will be a reunion with the two likeable athletes from Den Hague Instagram star @vocko and his comrade Andreas Rückewoldt. They will be performing tasks as coaches at the Games.
The big winning question: Which new sport discipline will debut at the 2023 Invictus Games in Düsseldorf?
If you know the answer to this question, you have a good chance of winning one of the 4 double tickets.
How does it work?
The answer should be given via a DM to @alethea.magazine on Instagram. Optionally via email as well.
All adult users with a residence in Germany are eligible to participate. The competition runs until 30.08.2023 (closing date). A jury will then select the 4 winners at random. The double tickets are all located in block 104 and block 164 of the Merkur Arena Tribune.
Legal notice & disclaimer: This prize draw is in no way affiliated with Facebook or Instagram and is in no way sponsored, endorsed or organised by Facebook or Instagram.
The prize draw is run by Alethea Magazine.
All users of legal age with a residence in Germany are eligible to participate. The competition will run until 30.08.2023 (closing date). Winners will be drawn at random by a jury. The answer should be given via a DM to @alethea.magazine on Instagram. If desired, also via email (cm@ateliersignoria.com). Winners will be selected based on the above criteria and notified via direct message on Instagram or email on 9/1/2023 (no public announcement will be made). The winner agrees to receive this single notification from us. Subsequently, the winners will receive their ticket from us via post. The letter will be sent by Einschreiben (registered mail). We are not liable for any loss in the post.
Alethea Magazine will not be held liable for any content posted by users in relation to this competition.
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Hinweis und Haftungsausschluss: Diese Aktion ist in keiner Weise mit Facebook oder Instagram verbunden und wird in keiner Weise von Facebook oder Instagram gesponsert, unterstützt oder organisiert.
Das Gewinnspiel wird vom Alethea Magazin durchgeführt.
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle volljährigen Nutzer mit einem Wohnsitz in Deutschland. Das Gewinnspiel läuft bis zum 30.08.2023 (Einsendeschluss). Die Gewinner werden nach dem Zufallsprinzip von einer Jury ausgelost. Die Antwort sollte per DM an @alethea.magazine auf Instagram gesendet werden. Wenn gewünscht, auch per E-Mail
(cm@ateliersignoria.com). Die Gewinner werden anhand der oben genannten Kriterien ausgewählt und am 1.9.2023 per Direktnachricht auf Instagram oder per E-Mail benachrichtigt (es erfolgt keine öffentliche Bekanntgabe). Der Gewinner erklärt sich damit einverstanden, diese einzige Benachrichtigung von uns zu erhalten. Anschließend werden die Gewinner ihr Ticket von uns per Post erhalten. Der Brief wird per Einschreiben verschickt. Wir haften nicht für eventuelle Verluste auf dem Postweg.
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Informationen zum ALETHEA MAGAZIN und zum Datenschutz unter Impressum.
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"Never give up - you have to have the absolute will."
Mon - Fri: 10 - 19 h
Phone/Tel: 0049 173 280 1001
Email: cm@ateliersignoria.com
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