Pete Doherty, Courtesy Janinebeangallery
Düsseldorf, 17. August 2023 by Lizzie Mauer
"Beyond Fame. Die Kunst der Stars" Opens tonight at 8 pm at the NRW Forum. Alain Bieber promises: There will be many stars tonight! And all about Pete Dohertie's appearance today.
Photo by film director and photographer Faraz Baghaei © AM
Düsseldorf, 24 June 2023
"Miteinander Rheinkirmes" the new exhibition at the Theatermuseum. And an own song, "Billiges Parfüm" written by the Pop Dup @gulliverdelarge. The call of the Rheinkirmes is heard far in the world.
Courtesy of Sotheby's
Bastienne Leuthe: “With 4096 Farben, Gerhard Richter
brings the series of Colour Chart paintings to a brilliant finale."
On 18 May, one of Gerard Richter's major works, 4096 Farben was auctioned in New York. A buyer purchased the work for 21.8 million dollars. Bastienne Leuthe, Head of Contemporary Art, Germany, was in the sale.
Read more on Alethea Talks.
Düsseldorf, 24 June 2023
On 15 May, the painting "Portrait of the Artist's Children" (1830) by Wilhelm von Schadow was restituted to the Max & Iris Stern Foundation in the festive ambience of Düsseldorf's Jan-Wellem-Saal. Read the exclusive interview to find out what happens next with the project. More on Alethea Talks.
©Stuart Semple
Stuart Semple's so-called "art wars" over colour rights.The British artist has released PINKIE - the Barbiest Pink - and is making it available to artists around the world.
Jan Kolata: "I paint the colours as they factually are." The winner of the Düsseldorf art exhibition "Die Grosse" in 2023.
Rudi Assauer Mythos & Moderne ©CM
Art Calendar, 7 May 2023
Mythos & Moderne. Fußball im Ruhrgebiet. Exhibition highlight at the Ruhr Museum, Zeche Zollverein. A moving performance by the Ruhr Kohle Choir at the opening: Glück Auf!
©Claudio Pino
Asterism"ring by Montreal's award-winning master jeweller, Claudio Pino in Düsseldorf. Exclusive interview about his creation on Alethea Talks.
Freddie Mercury @richardyounggallery
Art Calendar, 3 August 2023 by Lizzie Mauer
Freddie Mercury's private collection in main exhibition at Sotheby's London from tomorrow. "The most important thing... is to lead a fabulous life."
José Parlá, Soothing Light, 2023 Courtesy of Ben Brown Fine Arts
Art Calendar, 14 July 2023
by José Parlá
at Ben Brown Fine Arts, London. "Through 'Phosphene' I am envisioning a community of memories that stimulates the imaginations of those looking at my paintings."
Hannah Darabi in 2022
Art Calendar, 9. Juni 2023
Hannah Darabi: "I still enjoy how you can create a whole new world with a medium that seems to be this much attached to reality." Read more on Alethea Talks.
Lars Eidinger ©Franziska Stünkel
Lars Eidinger: "My highest demand on myself is to be honest with myself." Read more on Alethea Talks.
Groninger Museum, 2020-2021 © Peter Tahl
Art Calendar, 25 July 2023 by Lizzie M.
The Rolling Stones - Unzipped at the Groningen Museum. Why the Rollings Stones deserve their place in art history.
©Michael Gstettenbauer
Dusseldorf, July 21, 2023
"Being a rebel means seeing the world with your own eyes". Meral Alma. Turkish Consul General Ayşegül Gökçe Karaarslan visits the studio of Meral Alma.
Düsseldorf, 26 April 2023
The Deutsches Fotoinstitut is coming in big steps. The Bernd and Hilla Becher Award ceremony on 19 May.
©Artist Friedrike Näscher
Art Calendar, 14 April 2023
Friedrike Näscher Düsseldorf artist and great admirer of Heinrich Heine exhibiting at the Heine-Haus in Hamburg until 26 September 2023.
©Pete Carr
29 December 2022
Freedom Quilt,
International Slavery Museum CEO Red Godfrey-Sagoo in an exclusive interview.
Discover exciting news, established and emerging artists around the world.
The world of art in 2023 - Great Expectations!
HA Schult's Trash People at the Circular Valley - here during the conference ©Ansgar Van Treeck
Art Calendar / Environment / Business, 19 November 2022
HA Schult's Trash People at the Circular Valley Forum in Wuppertal on 18 November 2022. "Check the thing you want to throw away and don't give it away. It is the mirror of yourself. Don't betray your soul." 600 decision-makers from business and politics came together, including environmental activists from the early days such as HA Schult and former Federal Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer, described by the Forum as the "father of the circular economy". The participants were surprised by the Trash People, many of whom had never seen the artworks up close before.
©Miranda Barnes
Art Calendar, 19 April 2023
"Then. Now. Next." Major photographic art triptych exhibition at Magnum Gallery in London, for 1 week only. 17 April, until Saturday 22 April.
©Sebastian Drüen Rights Leon Löwentraut
"Wer weiß denn sowas" duel Leon Löwentraut against comic legend Rötger Feldmann alias "Brösel", Wednesday, 3 May 2023, at 6 p.m., ARD.
Alexandra Richards, Leon Löwentraut und Carina Ertl, Foto: Ben Rosser/BFA
Art Calendar, 18 December 2022
Leon Löwentraut celebrated at Bucherer's 1888 TimeMachine Store in New York. Since the acquisition of US watch retailer Tourneau, Bucherer has been activating its luxury clientele with art exhibitions The latest catch is Germany's Leon Löwentraut.
Mon - Fri: 10 - 19 h
Phone/Tel: 0049 173 280 1001
Stiftsplatz 11, 40213 Düsseldorf - Rheinpromenade - Germany
c/o ©Atelier Signoria GmbH (2021) - HRB 76981 - USt-Id.Nr: DE 306304533