HA Schult: Birth Day of Trash Art

 ©Thomas Lüttge

HA Schult: Birth Day of Trash Art

 ©Thomas Lüttge


Documenta Five, 1972 ©HA Schult

Art - 10 June 2022 - by C. Mauer

HA Schult - war - Krieg. HA Schult has been on a mission to protect the environment for over 50 years. He is the first signatory of the „Offenen Briefs an Kanzler Olaf Scholz“ of 29 April 2022, opposing arms deliveries to Ukraine out of concern for a Third World War in the context of the Ukraine conflict. Impressions of his works since 1972.

Smog Free Project Tianjin - Photocredit Hasy  - ©Daan Roosegaarde

The New York Times Store

©Daan Roosegaarde

Environment - March 22, 2022

WATERLICHT by Daan Roosegaarde in Loevestein Castle

on 25/26 March 2022

The power and poetry of water - installation by environmental artist and activist Daan Roosegaarde back in the Netherlands after its world tour. Just in time for the United Nations World Water Day.

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