German Artist collective Common Views imagines the German capital as Biosphere Berlin and calls for a radical, city-wide social-ecological vision for the future. One of the inspirations is the UK's Brighton, which is the first and only major city in the world to be incorporated into a biosphere reserve. Could Berlin be next?
Reinhold Messner at Zeche Zollverein ©Brost Stiftung
Düsseldorf, Environment, February 26, 2023
Reinhold Messner on his book "Sinnbilder" and his intellectual impulse renunciation. At Zeche Zollverein in Essen on February 23, 2023, NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst and mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner discussed ways to protect nature and deal with climate change in front of more than 200 guests, including numerous schoolchildren. An exclusive interview with Alethea Mag.
Eden Project in Cornwall ©Eden Project
Art Calendar / Environment, 20 October 2022
Eden News: Eden Curator Hannah Hooks in an exclusive interview about the Super Natural exhibition and the role of artists in the Eden Project. In the gigantic biomes of the Eden Project, currently the largest greenhouses in the world, all the different climate zones are reconstructed. Art also plays a prominent role, as Hannah Hooks, Eden Project curator, elaborates. Eden Project aims to bring artists together with environmental thought leaders, such as researchers and scientists for a cultural exchange to develop a shared vision for a sustainable planet.
Nicola Green's art globe The World in a Water Lily, Amazonica ©Nicola Green
Nicola Green's art globe The World in a Water Lily, Amazonica ©Nicola Green
HA Schult: Birth Day of Trash Art
©Thomas Lüttge
HA Schult: Birth Day of Trash Art
©Thomas Lüttge
CULL ©Uta Kögelsberger
Artist Talk - HA Schult und Christa Steinle - "Wir können die Gedanken der Menschen beeinflussen, aber nicht ihr Tun. HA Schult am 18. November beim Circular Valley in Wuppertal." Alethea Magazine hat die Ehre, einen Artist-Talk wiederzugeben, den HA Schult mit der österreichischen Kunsthistorikerin und damaligen Direktorin des Grazer Joanneum Museums, Dr. Christa Steinle am 7.10.2006 im Palais Herberstein führte. English version of the artist talk below.
©Michael Pinsky
Art, August 13, 2022
Michael Pinsky: "We are at the point of ecological collapse if we don't do something incredibly soon and incredibly dramatically. So, it is also the last bid for the planet." On occasion of "The Final Bid" at Draiflessen Collection. Read more in Alethea Talks
Habitats Maison Ruinart -Nils-Udo ©Copyright Maison Ruinart
©Vanessa Daws
Water artist Vanessa Daws - At Home in the Water. The English artist tells the story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first Englishwoman to swim the English Channel. Sea swimming has become a popular event since Corona and it is in this setting that Vanessa Daws stages her artworks. 15 October to 27 November 2022. Where: Fabrica in Brighton
Documenta Five, 1972 ©HA Schult
Art - 10 June 2022 - by C. Mauer
HA Schult - war - Krieg.
HA Schult has been on a mission to protect the environment for over 50 years. He is the first signatory of the „Offenen Briefs an Kanzler Olaf Scholz“ of 29 April 2022, opposing arms deliveries to Ukraine out of concern for a Third World War in the context of the Ukraine conflict. Impressions of his works since 1972.
Smog Free Project Tianjin - Photocredit Hasy - ©Daan Roosegaarde
Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg as the plants were sown. Image: Steve Tanner
HA Schult Wall of Freedon ©Ansagr Van Treeck
©Daan Roosegaarde
Environment - March 22, 2022
WATERLICHT by Daan Roosegaarde in Loevestein Castle
on 25/26 March 2022
The power and poetry of water - installation by environmental artist and activist Daan Roosegaarde back in the Netherlands after its world tour. Just in time for the United Nations World Water Day.
Surreal but the reality in Cologne - The golden Flügelauto - Goldener Vogel Nacht ©Thomas Hoepker
Environment, 22 December 2021
The Climate Museum in New York - Interview with Saskia Randle and Anais Reyes. Museums are the vehicle for social and political engagement, and can create significant change.
Daan Roosegaarde SPARK, world premiere "The Wellbeing Summit for Social Change" from 1-3 June in Bilbao-Biscay, Spain. Read more on Alethea Talks.
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